Tuesday, June 10, 2014

How to add your linux driver module in a kernel

Use below steps to add your driver module in linux kernel. by adding your driver as a module you can load/unload it at your convenience and will not be a part of your kernel image. I have used hello driver to explain it.
Steps to follow
1). Create your module directory in /kernel/drivers
Eg. mkdir hellodriver
2).  Create your file inside /kernel/drivers/hellodriver/  and add below functions and save it.
Write your driver init and exit function in hello.c file.
static int __init hello_module_init(void)
printk (“hello test app module init”);
return 0;
static int __exit hello_module_cleanup(void)
printk(“hello test app module cleanup “);
return 0;
3).  Create empty Kconfig file and Makefile in /kernel/drivers/hellodriver/
4). Add below entries in Kconfig
tristate “HelloTest App”
depends on ARM
default m
hellotest app
5). Add below entries in Makefile
obj-$(CONFIG_HELLOTEST_APP) +=hello.o
6). Modify the /kernel/drivers Kconfig and Makefile to support your module
7). Add below entry in /kernel/drivers/Kconfig file
source “drivers/hellodriver/Kconfig”
8). Add below entry in /kernel/drivers/Makefile file
obj-$(CONFIG_HELLOTEST_APP) +=hellodriver/
9).  Now go to kernel directory and give
make menuconfig ARCH=arm
Verify that your driver module entry is visible under Device Drivers  —>
For module entry it shows HelloTest App
Now recompile the kernel with your requirement  and give
sudo make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=your toolchain path-
10). Check the hello.o and hello.ko files are generated at /kernel/drivers/hellodriver/
If you want to make your module as a part of kernel image then you only need to change <*> HelloTest App the option in menuconfig and  recompile the kernel.
If you don’t want to make your module as a part of kernel image then you only need to change <> HelloTest App the option in menuconfig and  recompile the kernel.
This is a very simple example of adding a module in a kernel.
How to Load/Unload  module/s from the user space:
In user space, you can load the module as root by typing the following into the command line. insmod load the module into kernel space.
# insmod hello.ko

To see the module loaded you can do following:

# lsmod

To remove your module from the kernel space you can do followig:

#rmmod hello.ko

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